I recently purchased this beautiful piece at an estate auction.
Serial number look-up example: Let's say you have a Waltham watch with serial number 21,607,210 as shown in the photo below. Open face serial numbers are 13537861 for the one that works and the silver one that does not is 11742791.
Waltham pocket watch value by serial numberĮ/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjA6Imh0dHA6Ly9iYW5kY2FtcC5jb20vIjtzOjM6ImtleSI7czo0MzoiV2FsdGhhbSBwb2NrZXQgd2F0Y2ggdmFsdWUgYnkgc2VyaWFsIG51bWJlciI7fQ=